Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Today is Tuesday, August 31st

 Today is Tuesday, August 31st

 Yesterday was Monday

 Tomorrow will be Wednesday

It is ......... and ..........

I feel .... because ....

 ✏️ Writing Card

✏️ Time to Play!!! ✨

✏️ Time to Read and Answer!!! 📚

A. Ben is at the park.
B. His dog, Sam.
C.Because he thinks they are so cute and funny. 

🎭  Drama 

Monday, August 30, 2021

Today is Monday, August 30th


Today is Monday, August 30th 

Yesterday was Sunday 

Tomorrow will be Tuesday

It is ......... and .......... 

I feel .... because ....


✏️ Stretch a Sentence

The big grey cloud.

This morning, the big grey cloud is sleeping in the soda bottle bacause there was no room in the bed! 

✏️  Time to Play!!! 🎉



✏️  Time to Write!!! 📝

Look at the picture below and write 10 sentences describing the house and the objects you can see in each room! Remember to use THERE IS or THERE ARE, prepositions, colours and adjectives.



 1. There is a  TV between the speakers.

2. There are three red chairs in the dining room.

3.There is a closet next to the bed.

4. There are two armchairs in the living room.

5. There is a big  mirror in the hall. 

✏️  Clothes Time!!! 👔👕👖👠👜

Look at the picture below, and decide if the sentences are TRUE or FALSE.  

1.   The girl is wearing a yellow dress. F

2. The girl’s socks are white. T

3. The girl is wearing orange shoes and she has a pink bag. F

4. The first boy is wearing black trousers. F

5.  He is wearing a green and white t-shirt. T

6.  His shoes are white and grey and his bag is green. T

7.  The second boy is wearing blue trousers. T

8. His shoes are purple. F

9.  He has a blue bag. T

10.  He is wearing a blue t-shirt. T


Friday, August 27, 2021

Friday, August 27th

Today is Friday, August 27th

It is sunny and warm.

Reading Comprehension

Noun Sentences

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Thursday, August 26th

Today is Thursday, August 26th

Yesterday was Wednesday

Tomorrow will be Friday

It is ... and ...

I feel ... because ...

Isolation mode ON 💪🏻

We will connect at 13.30 to work together on Zoom!

Friday, August 20, 2021

Friday, August 20th

  Today is Friday, August 20th 

Yesterday was Thursday 

Tomorrow will be Saturday 

It is ......... and .......... 

I feel ... because ...

💡 This or That?

📌Dictation nº 6

  • The children run in the park.

  • There are blue a red fish in the pond.

  • There are three women reading a book.

  • My sister lost four teeth.

  • My cat plays with mice.

📌Reading Time!

🧙🏻 Room on the Broom 🧹

📌Arts & Crafts

⭐ Clothes Domino

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Thursday, August 19th

 Today is Thursday, August 19th

Yesterday was Wednesday 

Tomorrow will be Friday 

It is ......... and .......... 

I feel ... because ...

💡 Stretch a Sentence

📌Language - Describing Words




Science Book 1 - Our bodies and health

Nutrition and Reproduction

Science book pp. 4 - 5

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Tuesday, August 17th

  Today is Tuesday, August 17th 

Yesterday was Monday

Tomorrow will be Wednesday 

It is ......... and .......... 

I feel ... because ...

💡Let’s think!

📌Language - Let's Revise Plurals! 🤓

📌Drama 🎭


 📒Maths book 2A - page 11

Friday, August 13, 2021

Friday, August 13th

Today is Friday, August 13th 

Yesterday was Thursday 

Tomorrow will be Saturday 

It is ......... and .......... 

I feel ... because ...

💡 Four of a kind!

📌Dictation nº 5

  • The fox is orange.

  • The mouse is smart.

  • The owl can fly.

  • The snake is long.

  • The gruffalo is scary.

📌Reading Time! - Room on the Broom 🧹

📌Let's Design! ✨

📌Arts & Crafts

⭐Time to Design your Own Clothes 🤗🥳

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Thursday, August 12th

Today is Thursday, August 12th

Yesterday was Wednesday 

Tomorrow will be Friday 

It is ......... and .......... 

I feel ... because ...

💡 Stretch a Sentence

📌Language - Opposites



Have you filled your bucket today? 🤔

📌Science - Non-Flowering Plants
  • Science book pp. 26 - 27

  • Plant Journal 🌱

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Tuesday, August 10th

 Today is Tuesday, August 10th 

Yesterday was Monday

Tomorrow will be Wednesday 

It is ......... and .......... 

I feel ... because ...

💡Let’s think!

📌Language - Let's Revise Plurals! 🤓

📌Drama 🎭


Today we are having our Math Assessment on 3D Shapes!!! 🍀🍀🍀

Monday, August 9, 2021


Hello Children!

We are very excited about our VIRTUAL TALENT SHOW 2021!!
You are all invited!!!!!! 

NOW, you can do your show with family members AND/OR FRIENDS!!!!!
Hope to see your video soon!
(Ms. Belo)


¡Todo el grupo familiar & AMIGOS están invitados a participar!
Entrega de videos: 17 de agosto... ¡LOS ESPERAMOS!

El Talent Show es un proyecto interdisciplinario donde se ofrece un espacio para apreciar las aptitudes artísticas individuales y grupales de nuestros alumnos… ¡y ahora también de nuestras familias!

Los OBJETIVOS del Talent Show son varios, entre ellos:
- Crear un espacio de entretenimiento, espíritu participativo y de cooperación donde cada alumno tenga la posibilidad de demostrar frente a sus pares alguna aptitud, talento o disciplina en la que se destaca o le gusta desarrollar.
- Brindar situaciones de autogestión y organización a través del entretenimiento.
- Brindar un espacio diferente a todos nuestros alumnos –y sobre todo a los que más dificultades encuentran en el desarrollo académico diario o vincular- para dejar al descubierto otras expresiones positivas o inteligencias que nuestros alumnos poseen.
- Fomentar el respeto y las opiniones de compañeros y pares.
- Apreciar la diversidad existente en nuestro alumnado.
- Fomentar en los alumnos espectadores el espíritu de camaradería, aliento y apoyo hacia los alumnos participantes.
- Disfrutar de un evento artístico original y realizado por los mismos alumnos.
- El objetivo principal de este evento es ante todo apreciar los talentos que existe en nuestra comunidad, divertirnos, conocernos un poco más y compartir emociones positivas en este momento tan atípico y complejo valorando todo lo bueno que tenemos.

Algunas IDEAS…
- Formar un conjunto de baile pop - Tocar un instrumento o formar una banda - Cantar (solo o en conjunto) - Imitar una banda o solista famosos - Acto cómico - Silbar una canción - Show de títeres - Jueguito con la pelota - Contar chistes - Recitado de poemas - Truco de magia - Malabarismo - Personificaciones - Truco con el yo-yo - Mimo - Truco de cartas - Acrobacias
¡Y mucho más!

CONDICIONES para participar:
- La participación es optativa y voluntaria.
- Realizar un video de entre 1 y 3,5 minutos max. en algún formato fácil de trasladar.
- Uno o varios participantes están invitados a formar parte -niños y adultos-.
- Puede ser el grupo familiar y amigos.
- No se aceptarán imágenes o audios inapropiados (ante cualquier duda preguntar a Ms. Belo).
- Ser creativos, tener buena onda y sonreír mucho!

La INSCRIPCIÓN abre el jueves 17 de Junio y cierra el martes 17 de agosto.
- Enviar nombre y apellido de el/los integrantes.
- Título del video
- Los videos deberán ser enviados a gbelocopitow@uhsnetwork.net
- El último día de recepción será el MARTES 17 de AGOSTO.

¡Desde ya gracias a todos por la buena predisposición y apoyo en todos estos eventos!
Dirección Primario

We hope to see you there!
Take care!
Ms. Belo

Monday, August 9th

Today is Monday, August 9th

Yesterday was Sunday 

Tomorrow will be Tuesday 

It is ......... and .......... 

I feel ... because ...

📌Silly Sentences 🤪

📌Reading Aloud n° 5

  • I see a cat.

  • It is a big cat.

  • The cat runs up to me.

  • I pet the cat.

  • It runs away.

📌Reading Comprehension

⭐Read and Put the Pictures in Order ✍🏼

📌Writing Time!

⭐Let's Describe Witch from Room on a Broom!!! ✍🏼