Friday, April 30, 2021

Friday, April 30th

 Hello kids!

Today is Friday, April 30th

Yesterday was Thursday

Tomorrow will be Saturday

It is ... and ...

Today you will need your:

➡️ Look at the examples

✳️ Parts of the body

Draw your favourite animal and label it!

➡️ Prepositions


➡️ The Gruffalo

Listen to the story. Then, complete the activity.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Thursday, April 29th

 Hello kids!

Today is Thursday, April 29th

Yesterday was Wednesday

Tomorrow will be Friday

It is ... and ...

➡️ Complete the sentence


➡️ Have and Has Got


➡️ Science

Science Book 2 “Living Things” pages 4, 5

🔈 Science 2 - Page 4 - Activity 1

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Tuesday, April 27th

Hello kids!

Today is Tuesday, April 27th

Yesterday was Monday

Tomorrow will be Wednesday

It is ... and ...

➡️ Silly Sentences

Choose one word from each column to make a silly sentence.





➡️ Language

Let's take a look at Have got / Has got

Read and complete

doesn't have - has - don't have - have - have

1. I have lots of toys. ✅
2. My sister _____ lots of friends. 
3. I ______ a big house
4. My dog ________ a bone. 
5. I _______ lots of books. 

Look at the picture and write sentences.

 ➡️ Maths


Monday, April 26, 2021

Monday, April 26th

Hello kids!

Today is Monday, April 26th

Yesterday was Sunday

Tomorrow will be Tuesday

It is ... and ...

➡️ Warm-up

Write 5 animals that live underwater






➡️ Story Time

Find rhyming words for the following:

1. ants - ______

2. shells - ______

3. Handle - ______

4. tick - ______

➡️ Reading Comprehension

(Global English - pages 78 - 79)

➡️ Writing

Look at the picture and describe the animal

1. This is a ...

2. It is ...

3. It eats...

4. It has got .... and ...

5. It has not got ...

6. I can ... but it cannot ...

7 I think it is ....

Friday, April 23, 2021

Friday, April 23rd

 Today is Friday, April 23rd

Yesterday was Thursday

Tomorrow will be Saturday

It is ... and ...


Can / Can't

Miss Vero & Miss Agus

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Thursday, April 22nd

Today is Thursday, April 22nd

Yesterday was Wednesday

Tomorrow will be Friday

It is ... and ...


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Tuesday, April 20th

 Today is Tuesday, April 20th

Yesterday was Monday

Tomorrow will be Wednesday

It is ... and ...

Describing Animals 

-  Invent an animal that can fly with its ears.
   - Draw it
   - Describe it in 5 sentences.


  1. Sarah has 5 goldfish in her fishbowl. She gets 13 goldfish more. How many does she have in all?
  2. There are 4 lions, 3 tigers, 5 giraffes and 9 hippos at the zoo. How many animals are there in all?
  3. Ben is at the park. He sees 26 parrots on the tree. 8 fly away. How many parrots are left on the tree?
  4. Petunia and Augustus are scuba diving. They see 8 dolphins. Aftre one hour, 7 more dolphins appear. How many dolphins are there in all?
  5. Billy's cat has 17 toys in his house. Billy puts 13 toys away in a box. How many toys are left outside the box?

Monday, April 19, 2021

Monday, April 19th


🖥 Let's work together in Zoom!

✏️📘 Write in your copybook!

📌 If you need help, you can check here!

✏️📘 Write in your copybook!

Friday, April 16, 2021

Friday, April 15th


Friday, April 15, 2021

FridayApril 15th


Today is Friday, April 16th
Yesterday was Thursday
Tomorrow will be Saturday
It is ... and ...

🌟 Prepositions 

 Look at the pictures and write sentences


🌟 The gruffalo🌟

Look at the description of the Gruffalo. 
What do you think he looks like?

Look at the book cover. What can you see?