Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Tuesday, April 20th

 Today is Tuesday, April 20th

Yesterday was Monday

Tomorrow will be Wednesday

It is ... and ...

Describing Animals 

-  Invent an animal that can fly with its ears.
   - Draw it
   - Describe it in 5 sentences.


  1. Sarah has 5 goldfish in her fishbowl. She gets 13 goldfish more. How many does she have in all?
  2. There are 4 lions, 3 tigers, 5 giraffes and 9 hippos at the zoo. How many animals are there in all?
  3. Ben is at the park. He sees 26 parrots on the tree. 8 fly away. How many parrots are left on the tree?
  4. Petunia and Augustus are scuba diving. They see 8 dolphins. Aftre one hour, 7 more dolphins appear. How many dolphins are there in all?
  5. Billy's cat has 17 toys in his house. Billy puts 13 toys away in a box. How many toys are left outside the box?

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