Monday, April 26, 2021

Monday, April 26th

Hello kids!

Today is Monday, April 26th

Yesterday was Sunday

Tomorrow will be Tuesday

It is ... and ...

➡️ Warm-up

Write 5 animals that live underwater






➡️ Story Time

Find rhyming words for the following:

1. ants - ______

2. shells - ______

3. Handle - ______

4. tick - ______

➡️ Reading Comprehension

(Global English - pages 78 - 79)

➡️ Writing

Look at the picture and describe the animal

1. This is a ...

2. It is ...

3. It eats...

4. It has got .... and ...

5. It has not got ...

6. I can ... but it cannot ...

7 I think it is ....

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