Monday, June 28, 2021

Monday, June 28th

 Today is Monday, June 28th

Yesterday was Sunday

Tomorrow will be Tuesday

It is ... and ...

I feel ...

➡️ Read Aloud
  • I can pat my lap

  • The tan cat is fat

  • She can have a nap

  • The man has a bag

➡️ Reading Comprehension

📙 Global English pp. 92 - 93 “Presents from a Tree”

Activity 1

Answer the questions:
1. What 2 things do green leaves do?
2. Name 2 fruits that we get from trees.
3. What can we do with wood?
4. Where are the roots of a tree?
5. What is the problem with cutting down trees?

Complete the following activity

➡️ Writing

Look at the picture and write 6 sentences describing it

✏️ Word bank ✏️ 
sofa - armchair - coffee table - lamp - shelf - picture - side table - flowers in a vase - clock -  telephone
📌 Remember to use:
✏️ Capital letters and punctuation (“.”)
✏️ There is / There are
✏️ Prepositions
✏️ Plurals (more than one)

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